Friday, April 15, 2011

Kelly Preston “hasn’t been working out at all” post-baby


Don’t ask me what the hell Kelly Preston is wearing. I don’t know. These are days-old photos of Kelly at an event for TV Land or something (whatever). But we have new photos of Kelly too (at the bottom of the post) - she was actually with John Travolta for the big Gotti press conference yesterday. I worry about Kelly, I really do. Even though I was wrong about Kelly’s pregnancy (I thought it was a pillow baby), I’m still worried about the deal she makes every day with the devil.

I was looking through these photos of her and I just felt a pang for her - to my eyes, she looks kind of out-of-it and dazed, like… “oh, that‘s my husband, playing grab-ass with a Gotti.” Anyway, Kelly has a new little interview with People Magazine where she talks about working out and breastfeeding and stuff:
Kelly Preston hasn’t been afraid to step out on the red carpet since delivering son Benjamin Hunter Kaleo in November, but that doesn’t mean she’s stressing out about losing the baby weight.

“I haven’t been working out. At all,” she told PEOPLE at the TV Land Awards in N.Y.C. on Sunday, where her husband John Travolta was honored along with the rest of the Welcome Back, Kotter cast. (The show airs April 17 at 9 p.m. EST on TV Land.)

“Maybe that’s the secret. Don’t stress about it!”

But Preston, 48, does give credit where it’s due. “I’ve been lucky because I’ve been breastfeeding so that’s really helped me lose the weight,” she says. “That really is the secret.”

And for now, workouts are going to have to wait.

“It certainly would be better if I started to exercise, but I had a c-section so my stomach muscles weren’t very strong,” she confesses. “I wanted to do some dance classes but it was a little too much. I was down for the count!”

[From People]

There are also some new photos of Kelly with baby Ben a few days ago - go here to see them. Ben takes after his mom more than his… dad? Sure. While Jett and Ella had/have Travolta’s coloring, Ben does not. Interesting, isn’t it?

Also, I could go my whole life without hearing Kelly talk about her C-section ever again. Ugh. Oh, and John’s got a new toupee! It’s so fancy! Seriously, though, he could afford a much more… realistic-looking piece, right? This one must be his “Gotti Grab-Ass” piece:



celebitchy/Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.


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