Thursday, May 26, 2011

Meet Rosie Jones

Meet Rosie Jones (not to be confused with the less attractive American pro golfer). She’s British, busty, and has trouble keeping her shirt on. Rosie is the perfect age of somewhere between 18 and 21. Yes, I’m that lazy. She did her first topless shoot TWO days after turning 18. Respect.

She describes herself as “smileeeyyy” on her Myspace - generally not something you want to here from a Brit, but this girl can do no wrong. Useless trivia: She’s named her boo..s Bob and Bill. I guess when you look like that, f..k creativity right?

Speaking of those perfect breasts - you probably want to see Rosie Jones topless uncensored pics. Well…. okay! Check out for a ton of naked Rosie shots, and of course Nuts has its share of topless Rosie pics here and here. There’s also this Nuts promo video featuring Rosie although it could really use some jumping jacks.


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